Wednesday, 9 November 2016

Beyond The Human’s Hearing: Using Ultrasound

Many of us don’t realize that sound can be used as another form of sight. This is something that bats have been doing for ages, but humans have only just started scraping the tip of the iceberg. Many moms will know of an ultrasound scan, when they want to take a peek at babies. This scanner is using sound that bounces off the baby and appears as an image for them to view. While it might not be very clear, most people will be able to see distinctive features that can be seen at a very early stage.

Some scientists are trying to harness this ultrasound technology to help people who are visually impaired. It has been making headways over the years, but to date it has still not been perfected. Given time, ultrasound can be used to further advance our knowledge about the way sound works. It can also provide people who are impaired, to once again see the world. Since normal humans will not be able to hear the sounds being produced, this also makes it a perfect system that doesn’t interfere with normal daily life. Some dogs might be attracted to this, but it is a small price to pay to see again.

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